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X-ray Screening

Screening x-ray uses x-rays to capture moving images of internal organ.

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X-ray Screening General Questions

What is x-ray screening or fluoroscopic screening?

A screening x-ray is a live x-ray procedure used to capture moving 2D images of internal organs. During the appointment, x-rays pass through the examined region onto a TV-like monitor where our expert doctors can view, capture and record the images.

What parts of the body can be examined using fluoroscopic screening?

Our doctors use this safe and straightforward screening x-ray procedure to obtain an in-depth look at many body systems, including:

  • skeletal
  • digestive
  • urinary
  • respiratory and
  • reproductive systems.

Patient Guide

How to prepare for your test

Our compassionate, patient-centred approach is designed to put you at ease and provide a comfortable, safe environment.

Some tests require fasting or preparation. Our friendly staff will advise this at the time of booking by phone. However, if booking online, we recommend calling or visiting your practice to find out if there are any test preparation instructions.

What to expect during your x-ray screening

Before your appointment
  • Once you arrive for your appointment, our team will guide you on what to expect. Our practices have private changing rooms if needed, as you may be asked to remove clothing or jewellery items if they’re close to the area being examined.
Receiving a pre-test contrast substance
  • Depending on the test type, you may be asked to take a contrast substance, which highlights the area under examination.
  • The contrast substance may be given via swallowing, enema, catheter or an injection, usually into the hand, arm, or joint.
During the test
  • If the test requires you to swallow a liquid, you’ll be asked to take a mouthful and hold it in your mouth until the radiographer or radiologist asks you to swallow.
  • Depending on the test, you may be asked to move into different positions, move a particular body part, or hold your breath for a short time.
How long will it take?

Our reception staff can give you an approximate time for the test when you speak with them. Test times depend on

  • the type of test you’re having
  • the area of the body being looked at and/or treated.

Our x-ray screening locations


Read our articles and FAQs

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